

Mexicali boasts twelve universities and twelve technical trade schools that are working to solve the need for more trained labor force to meet the continuous growth in demand due to constant economic growth in the city.

Mexicali has some of Mexico’s finest universities.

CETYS University (The best private education university in the Northwest of Mexico) offers undergraduate and postgraduate education with degrees specialized in Business, Engineering, Law, Psychology, among others. CETYS also offers Double Degree programs in Business, Engineering and Psychology with City University of Seattle.

The State University (UABC) is a public multi-campus university with Faculties offering degrees in Engineering, Business, Law, Medicine, Political Science, Agriculture, Nursing, Computer Science and Foreign Language Studies among others.

You can also find technical schools like CECATI (3 campuses) and CONALEP, which offer also an option to extend quality education to local students.

Universities and companies in Mexicali have an important bond. Universities prepare skilled and capable professionals, while companies support this universities and students with investments in infrastructure, scholarships, or training opportunities like internships.

At PIMSA we are proud to collaborate and impulse industrial development, as well as to enable more possibilities through education.