

PIMSA’s Three Amigos

It all started with an idea and vision of three gents; Mario Hernandez, a charismatic Mexicali businessman and sports enthusiast, (aka La Chueca, Lefty from his pitching days in Baseball), Hector Sada, a most quite, conservative but efficient businessman and Ignacio Guajardo, (Nacho) a Stanford Graduate Attorney that cater to most of U.S. Corporations landing in Baja California and as a fourth member of the Musketeers, Eduardo Martinez Palomera, a former two time mayor, moved PIMSA to what it is today.

PIMSA was the first Industrial Park built in Baja California and Western Mexico, after a few years of failing to get traction, an idea came about the change not only PIMSA’s success but actually it was because of this that “Inventory Buildings” based an important part of the mix to get Maquiladora Industry on gear. Before PIMSA, it was about renting old theaters, old buildings with no parking, no loading docks and set on residential or commercial areas of town, no planning.

It was the vision of these four amigos, through an Industrial Market Study as per what type of companies would do well in Mexicali, created an Industrial Development Commission, today, still the motor for Economic Development in Mexicali, put in their own money to find U.S. Corporations willing to take a risk on what at the time was known as the Mexi-Fobia, including the MaƱana Syndrome and the general perception that Mexicans workers would not produce quality production and on time, but it worked, Hughes, Libbey Owens Ford, now Pilkington, Rockwell, Paper-mate, Chromalloy, Baxter (now Vyaire), Emerson, Data Products, Mattel, Lucky Gold star, now LG among some of the original companies, their continuous growth is the best testimonial of the success they have experienced in Mexicali and in PIMSA.

Even those companies that went to China bypassing Mexico in these past years are coming back to Mexico; and PIMSA is still here serving these manufacturers to make them competitive and profitable.

I know because I was part of Team PIMSA in early years and now back on saddle again.
Xavier Rivas VP of Business Development, PIMSA.

“PIMSA was the spark plug for Economic Development in Mexicali: Experience, Ethics and Vision”