
Think Tank

What is the PIMSA Think Tank?

The PIMSA Think Tank (PTT) is a pluralistic organization that performs research and advocacy concerning topics related to North America Sustainable Competitive Low Cost Manufacturing using best practice benchmarking, industrial intelligence, as well as applied empirical research assuring a diverse open and accountable process of project analysis, evaluation and decision making advocacy for the benefit of its partners and clients.

PTT is focused in assisting two fundamental areas; New Industrial Investments and Continuous Improvement and Competitiveness of its existing manufacturing partners.

The Think Tank Team consists of a group of highly experienced internal and external resources through strategic alliances as well as the PIMSA nonprofit organization “PIMSA Prestadora de Servicios A.C.”, an association comprised of local and international business owners and plant managers, primarily tenants of the multiple PIMSA Industrial Parks.

PIMSA Think Tank Service Offering Differentiators: